In recent years, Queensland’s education system has faced increased pressures. This includes the rapid increase in population from interstate migration, high workloads on teachers, an aging workforce, and nationally, less students obtaining teaching degrees. These pressures have contributed to teacher shortages in areas of Queensland, with the Far North, North, and Central Queensland regions experiencing the greatest shortages.

The Department of Education (the department) has recognised the challenges faced in attracting and retaining teachers, particularly in regional and remote Queensland’s state schools. To address this, it has formed partnerships with universities and stakeholders and it has established a suite of incentive programs to attract and support its regional and remote teaching staff. The department also published its Queensland teaching workforce strategy 2024-2027in September 2024. This strategy highlights its focus on regional and remote areas, including the investment of $45.1 million over 3 years to increase support and incentives for teachers in these locations.

In this audit, we will assess whether the departments strategies are effective in attracting, recruiting and retaining teachers in regional and remote Queensland. We will examine how the department identifies gaps, designs and implements strategies and, measure and report on their effectiveness.

There are many agencies involved in the attraction, recruitment, retention and education of teachers in Queensland. This audit will focus on the role of the department, however we will consider how the department collaborates with its stakeholders in local, state and federal governments as well as peak bodies, universities and communities.

Audit Objective

This audit will assess whether the department’s strategies are effective in attracting, recruiting, and retaining teachers in regional and remote Queensland. 

Who we might audit
  • Department of Education
  • Queensland College of Teachers. 
Area of focus
Sustainable communities and environment
Parliamentary Committee
Education, Arts and Communities Committee
In progress
Anticipated tabling: Jul–Sep 2025