Access to public transport makes it possible for people with a disability to participate in all aspects of community life. In Australia, almost one in 5 people is reported as living with some form of a disability. People with a disability experience significant disadvantages due to public transport inaccessibility. Buildings and vehicles not well designed to meet accessibility standards, can be expensive and slow to retrofit or remediate.

To ensure the needs of people with a disability are considered, the Disability Standard for Accessible Public Transport establishes minimum accessibility standards and time frames for compliance for public transport, infrastructure, and premises. The standard, issued by the Australian Government, provides guidance to public transport operators and providers to meet their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth). The Act seeks to eliminate discrimination, as far as possible, against people with a disability.

Audit Objective

This audit will assess whether access to public transport has improved for people with a disability, including how entities ensure compliance with the minimum accessibility standards. This includes transport services provided by third parties.

Who we might audit
  • Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • Queensland Rail
  • selected local governments
  • Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety.
Area of focus
Healthy and safe Queenslanders
Parliamentary Committee
State Development, Infrastructure and Works Committee
Anticipated tabling: to be advised