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In 2019–20, we tabled our report Licensing builders and building trades (Report 16: 2019–20). In that audit we assessed whether the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) was effectively regulating the building industry by issuing and managing licences in a fair and balanced way.
We made 11 recommendations to help QBCC become a stronger and more effective regulator. They included strengthening controls and improving planning and reporting. We also highlighted the critical need for QBCC to commit resources and build capability as it moves to become a risk-focused, insights-driven regulator. Since our audit, Queensland has continued to see construction firms collapse which is impacting the construction of new homes and delivery of major infrastructure projects.
In 2022, an independent review of QBCC’s governance arrangements was conducted which made 17 recommendations. These recommendations are consistent with those made in our report. The government has established an Implementation Steering Committee to regularly report on QBCC’s progress on the recommendations.
This audit will assess whether QBCC has effectively implemented our recommendations. We will also assess whether QBCC has addressed the underlying issues that led to the recommendations in our report. We have scheduled our follow-on audit for 2025–26 to allow QBCC time to action our recommendations in addressing recommendations made by the independent reviewer.
Queensland Building and Construction Commission.