Planning for the forecast changes to Queensland’s population, ensures government services are well prepared to meet the needs of our growing communities. Coordinating the services people need provides them with necessities such as food, electricity, transport and water. 

Efficient and effective coordination between state government entities and local governments can ensure the plans for the services are ready as populations change. This includes ensuring services are designed to meet growing demands or can be wound back as populations in other areas decline.

Audit Objective

This audit will assess how the Queensland Government’s planning framework supports economic growth and development and liveability. We will also examine how effectively the state and local governments collaborate and coordinate their long-term plans to provide the services needed to support Queensland’s growing population.

Who we might audit
  • Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
  • Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers
  • selected local governments.
Area of focus
Sustainable communities and environment
Parliamentary Committee
State Development, Infrastructure and Works Committee
Anticipated tabling: to be advised