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Regional areas within Queensland account for 1.7 million square kilometres across the state. They are home to a network of regional economies and have strengths in industries including agriculture, resources, and tourism.
These reports will analyse data on state and local government service delivery and support for Queensland’s regions, and consider other regional growth and sustainability measures, including employment and economic activity.
In 2024, this report will include a focus on government assistance when responding to and rebuilding from a natural disaster. Each year our reports will build on focus areas from our previous Queensland’s regions reports.
As part of our audit planning process, we consider whether our planned reports will meet our stakeholders' needs and add value. We have reassessed whether an annual insights report focused on Queensland's regions is the best way to achieve our intended outcomes.
Accordingly, we will no longer publish an annual insights report on Queensland's regions. We will instead ensure that our forward work plan includes a sufficient focus on regional service delivery through our range of planned audit topics. For example, we have recently tabled a report on Managing Queensland's regional water quality (Report 7: 2024–25), and we are currently completing an audit on attracting and retaining teachers in regional and remote Queensland. This greater flexibility will ensure we can focus our audit topics on the right areas at the right times, to better meet the interests of parliament, stakeholders, and the public.