Tony Perrett MP, Member for Gympie

The member requested QAO conduct a further and full review into the management of the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program (NRIFAEP).

They outlined concerns about compliance and monitoring, best management practices, service delivery, accountability and reporting of the program’s progress.

The member noted that QAO’s review into Managing Invasive Species (Report 1: 2022-23) highlighted some of these concerns, but that the fire ant footprint has increased since that review which warranted further investigation.


We responded to the member on 5 December 2023.

We advised the member that we had assessed the information he provided and determined that it did not contain any significantly new information that was not considered as part of our performance audit for Managing invasive species (tabled on 4 July 2023).

We also advised the member that the Managing invasive species report outlines our recommendations which address several of the matters identified in his letter including:

  • compliance and monitoring
  • reporting of the program’s progress
  • best management practices through strengthening the leadership and coordination role for the biosecurity system.

We will request a status update from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on the implementation of our recommendations in our Status of Auditor-General’s Recommendations report in 2025. Based on the response provided by the Department at that time, we may consider if further follow up audit is required.
