Jarrod Bleijie MP, Member for Kawana

The member requested that QAO prioritise an audit into the government’s current diversionary and early intervention programs designed to divert young offenders from crime and related matters.

The member requested that an urgent investigation be conducted of:

  • legislative and other changes that have occurred over the last 8 years
  • the links between failures in child safety impact and youth justice
  • the government’s current expenditure on diversionary programs and early intervention as well as their effectiveness
  • the current and prospective use of key performance indicators (KPIs).

We responded to the member on 7 March 2023.

We advised the member that an audit on Diverting young offenders from crime has been on QAO’s forward work plan for several years. This audit is due to commence shortly, and we expect to table the report to parliament in 2023–24.

Our audit will examine whether youth justice initiatives are effective in helping young people better connect with the community and in reducing their risk of reoffending.

We will consider the matters raised by the member in planning the audit, to the extent they are within the Auditor-General’s mandate. Commenting on legislative changes that have occurred over the last 8 years may be outside our mandate as legislation is the domain of the parliament and the Auditor-General cannot comment on the merits of government policy.


Completed. Reducing serious youth crime (Report 15: 2023-24) was tabled on 28 June 2024.