Dr Mark Robinson MP, Member for Oodgeroo 

The member requested QAO conduct a performance audit on state government funding to Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC) and its controlled entities on North Stradbroke Island. 


We responded to the member on 24 March 2021.

We advised that we will obtain more information about the state’s funding arrangements with QYAC and its controlled entities.

We will also make preliminary enquiries of relevant state entities to understand how they are monitoring QYAC’s use of these funds.

June 2022 status update – 
We have concluded our review of the Department of Environment and Science’s funding arrangements and monitoring of QYAC’s use of funds. We are satisfied there are no matters of significance for reporting to parliament over the department’s monitoring of funding provided to QYAC. 

We have provided other relevant state entities with preliminary findings from our review. After consulting with them on our preliminary findings we received additional information from them. We continue to review their monitoring of QYAC’s use of government funding and will include any matters of significance in a future report to parliament, which we expect to table in late-2022. 

July 2023 status update –

We have concluded our review of the funding arrangements and monitoring of QYAC’s use of funds by:

  • Department of Environment and Science
  • Department of Resources
  • Redland City Council
  • The University of Queensland.

Our audit did not identify any findings for reporting to management of these entities or for inclusion in a future report to parliament.

We continue to review the funding arrangements and monitoring activities of 2 departments, both subject to previous machinery of government changes. These changes impacted the responsibilities for Minjerribah Futures (preceded by the North Stradbroke Island Economic Transition Strategy). We will provide our findings to these entities when finalised.

At the conclusion of this work, we plan to incorporate any significant findings and recommendations, if any, into a future report to parliament. We expect to report our overall audit findings to parliament in late 2023.

The time taken to progress our audit has been impacted by delays in accessing documents, machinery of government changes and QAO staff turnover.

In progress