The hot topic for this financial year appears to be the implications of the IFRS Interpretations Committee’s (IFRIC’s) agenda decision Configuration or Customisation Costs in a Cloud Computing Arrangement (April 2021)1.
The standard AASB 16 Leases is now in its second year of operation for public sector entities. In this article, we cover a brief update on some specific accounting issues that you may not have dealt with on transition.
The day-to-day operations of public sector entities are getting busier all the time and changes to everyday activities can be seen as disruptive.
As our 31 December year-end clients finalise their financial statements, it’s a timely reminder to not make immaterial changes.
Queensland Treasury Financial Reporting Requirements (FRRs) for 2019–20 are available on Queensland Treasury’s website: www.treasury
When is a lease not a lease? When it does not meet the definition of a lease.