Queensland Audit Office

Auditing the right area at the right time is the key to achieving better public services for Queenslanders. We carefully plan our work to meet the needs of parliament and our audit clients, drawing out the insights that are most likely to drive positive change.

Our new three-year plan, Forward work plan 2021–24, is out now. It covers all our planned audit work—financial audits, performance audits, and assurance activities, which work together to provide a full picture of state and local government performance and accountability.

We prepare our forward work plan three years ahead to ensure transparency around our work. Each year, we review the plan to ensure we focus on the right topics and conduct them at the right time. Our plan also captures strategic risks to public service delivery that we have identified and our expected audit activity in response.

Below is a snapshot of our planned topics for the coming 2021‒22 financial year. Visit our Audit program page to see the topics for all three years, including a description of each, who we might audit, and audit progress.

Our proposed reports for 2021‒22

  • Managing our transition to renewables
  • Establishing the Queensland Future Fund
  • Contract management for new infrastructure
  • Opportunities for cost efficiency in government administrative spending
  • Enabling digital learning
  • Improving asset management in local government
  • Domestic and family violence initiatives (Report 1)
  • State entities 2021
  • Regulating dam safety
  • State finances 2021
  • Regulating animal welfare services
  • Water 2021
  • Appointing and renewing government boards
  • Energy 2021
  • Measuring emergency department patient wait time
  • Transport 2021
  • COVID-19 economic stimulus spending: early impact
  • Education 2021
  • Improving access to specialist outpatient services
  • Health 2021
  • Delivering social housing and housing services
  • Local government 2021
  • Keeping people safe from domestic and family violence (Report 2)
  • Major projects 2021
  • Status of Auditor-General recommendations 2021

As demonstrated by the COVID‑19 pandemic, we need to remain agile and respond quickly to emerging risks. As such, we will supplement our plan with new or updated audits that respond to changes in the Queensland public sector and new risks that entities must manage.

We welcome, and value, your input into our work. You can suggest a new topic or contribute to an audit currently in progress on our website: Contribute to audits in Queensland.

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