Joel C.
JC corporate image

Each year, we carefully plan our work to ensure we audit the right areas, at the right time. To help drive positive change in the way public services are delivered, we must anticipate and respond to the risks and challenges impacting public sector entities and local governments.

We only need to consider the extraordinary events brought about by COVID-19, and the recent Queensland floods, to recognise that we need to be responsive and adaptable.

Public sector entities are facing a range of risks and challenges – some emerging and some long standing. They include a growing and ageing population, climate change, overseas trade and political tensions, increasing government debt, and emerging technology.

We considered these risks in preparing our new Forward work plan 2022–25and identified 8 focus areas that will guide our audit services:

  • Technology risk and opportunities
  • Healthy and safe Queenslanders
  • Sustainable environment and climate change
  • Infrastructure investment
  • COVID-19 recovery
  • State savings and debt
  • Governance of government
  • Sustainable communities

Our audit services – and the insights they deliver – do not stand alone; they work together to provide a full picture of state and local government performance and accountability.

We assess whether government programs and services are delivering on their objectives efficiently, effectively, economically, and in accordance with relevant legislation. We then share our insights on ways to deliver better public services with our clients and stakeholders. Our independent assurance helps parliament hold public sector entities and local governments to account for the use of public resources.

Under our mandate (Auditor-General Act 2009), QAO must publish its strategic audit plan before 30 June each year. Visit our website to see our latest plan and the audits we plan to undertake over the next 3 years.

We revisit our plan and publish a new version each year after reconsidering each topic’s relative importance, the timing of our audits, any potential new topics, and, importantly, our ability to influence changes in public service delivery. Our fact sheet on our forward work plan provides more information about our annual planning process.

We welcome, and value, your input into our work. You can suggest a new topic or contribute to an audit currently in progress on our website: Contribute to audits in Queensland.

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