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Our audits tell us that many executives lack access to the right information when making decisions.

Do you have a peppercorn lease? Peppercorn leases are leases with nominal rent. This might be $1, or even as low as a peppercorn.

Regulatory compliance is an entity's adherence to laws, regulations, policies and guidelines relevant to its business processes.

Should Australia develop a simpler, and better, reporting framework—particularly for entities that are not listed?

When we ask this question, most people respond with, ‘Yes’, or a more emphatic, ‘Yes!’.

Each year, we publish a three-year plan containing our proposed audit topics.

We’re starting to prepare our next plan—Strategic Audit Plan 2019-22.

Effective audit committees are integral to good governance over public sector entities. While many public sector entities now have audit committees in place, how effective are they?

Do you have a peppercorn lease? Peppercorn leases are leases with nominal rent. This might be $1, or even as low as a peppercorn.