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The Queensland Government is committed to providing access to information held or controlled by the government, unless, on balance, it is contrary to the public interest.
The Right to Information Act (RTI Act) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) aim to make government information more accessible, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection for individuals whose personal information is in the possession or control of a government agency.
Under the IP Act, you can access or amend your own personal information. Under the RTI Act, you can access personal or non-personal information held by a government agency, unless, on balance, it is contrary to the public interest.
This legislation replaces the Freedom of Information Act 1992.
Further information about the whole-of-government policy is available from the government's Right to Information page.
Important note
Due to confidentiality provisions within the Auditor-General Act 2009, the QAO is prohibited from releasing any information disclosed, obtained, or made in relation to an audit, including audits that have been, are being, or may be conducted in the future. This information meets the definition of exempt information under the RTI Act and cannot be released by QAO. However, in these circumstances it may be appropriate to contact the public sector entity directly to obtain the information.